IAB Releases New Flexible Ad Specs

The IAB has released new flexible ad specs as part of its New Ad Portfolio, which includes a major upgrade to the global ad specifications & usability. For the last 2 years, the IAB Tech Lab has been working closely with industry partners including the Flexitive Design Cloud team, to create a new set of standards based on flexible ads that adapt to the screens of devices and responsive sites/apps of today and the future.

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A New Era For Digital Advertising – New IAB Global Guidelines Focus on Experience

The dotcom crash of the early 2000’s formed the start of a true marketplace for a new digital advertising economy. In the last 15 years, the media industry has in a way – been in a ‘wild west’ state. It evolved faster than it did in the 200 years prior, and that fast change caused a bit of a mess.

From bot fraud to loss of transparency and excessive arbitrage in the value chain, to new tech being misused (like targeting). We’ve also somehow been drawn to buzzwords like ‘Big Data’, ‘Native Advertising’, ‘Second Screen’ and the worst one – ‘Mobile’. These cause complexity, confusion and ultimately investment going to the wrong places. These were all distractions from what should have been our focus…

…creating the best individual user experience.

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