Locking the Aspect Ratio of a Shape

Using Aspect Ratio lock, you can control how a shape behaves as it’s re-sized, allowing you to easily and effectively scale shapes across multiple sizes. Aspect Ratio lock is particularly useful when re-sizing embedded pages and shapes.

You can set shapes in a design to either have their aspect ratio Locked or Unlocked. When the aspect ratio of a shape is Locked, the aspect ratio of the element will remain the same as you resize the bounding box. Unlocking the aspect ratio of a shape with a Locked aspect ratio will stretch the element to all edges of the bounding box.

Learn more about the Aspect Ratio of an element here




Uploading Assets to your Flexitive Design

Flexitive combines assets like video, images, and text with features that include widgets, animation, and data feeds to create fully-responsive designs that look amazing.

You can upload JPG, PNG, SVG, GIF, and MP4 assets to your designs. The formats you choose to use for your assets will depend on how the element will be used in your design. For example, JPG images are oftentimes the best option for uploads in any scenario where you are not using an image with transparency and will compress better than any other image format on export.

Other design tools can complement the work you do in Flexitive when you prepare your assets for import.

When preparing your assets for Flexitive, check out our Asset Guidelines here.