Filter What Elements You See When Animating Your Design

A key part of using animations in Flexitive is knowing exactly what is happening in each frame.

When working on a design with an animation sequence, you’ll have the option of filtering the elements that are visible on the canvas by animation state.

In the Animation Panel, you can toggle between the ‘All Frames’ tab to view all elements of your animation sequence at once, and ‘In Frame’ tab to view only the elements that are visible on a specific frame.

Filtering what elements you see when animating your design is particularly useful when working on a complex design with lots of elements or complicated animations, as it can help you to quickly identify any changes you want to make to your animation sequence.

Learn more about the ‘Show Elements on Canvas’ tabs.

Control Element Visibility to Scale Your Design Faster

In Flexitive, when you add a new element to your design, that element will be added to all activated sizes. By adding your elements to all activated sizes, Flexitive makes the entire design process shorter.

When editing a size, you can choose what sizes you want a newly added element to appear on. Using the Visibility settings in the Customize Panel, you can set an element to hide an on a particular size, on all other active sizes, or by portrait and landscape orientation.

You can see the elements you’ve hidden on your canvas using the ‘Show Hidden Layers’ toggle in the Layers panel.

For more information, check out our article on Element Visibility.