Deeper Dives with Flexitive Design Cloud Tutorial Videos

Flexitive Deeper Dives tutorials provide you with in-depth coverage of topics such as Text and Webfonts, Video Components and the Carousel Widget. You’ll learn about all aspects of text in your design, uploading and embedding videos, and different Carousel Widget options.

Deeper Dives:

Text & Webfonts

Learn more about formatting text boxes or specific words/characters within a text box (inline text). Access 700+ free web fonts and over 20,000 paid fonts, or how to upload your own custom font. Also, more advanced text options like scrolling text.

Video Components

Learn how to upload videos to Flexitive Design Cloud and add them to a Flexitive HTML5 page, or embed a Youtube video. Customize playback options like autoplay, show/hide controls etc. with no coding.

Carousel Widget

The Flexitive Carousel Widget allows you to quickly add images or videos into a rotating responsive carousel.

  • Set it to swipe left/right (via mouse or touch!)
  • Change the type of transition animation between slides

For more videos and Flexitive Design Cloud Tutorials – Essentials check out our YouTube Channel

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